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The chinese place great emphasis on the teaching history of the practitioner - most importantly for teachers.  The lineage shows the route of the knowledge through the individual teachers.  It gives an indication of what knowledge the present teacher may have and the quality expected.

Mrs Men Boa

Peter Warr

Lavinia Warr

Serious students in the past have been known to travel  far and even wait years to be accepted for training by the Master of their choice.  Serendipity offered Dan the chance to train with Mrs Men Bao, who was personally trained by Li Tianji the devisor of the 24 Step Yang Style. 

Luck continued to influence Dan's journey by  putting Peter and Lavinia Warr in his path.

Dan's journey developed further when he took instructor training with Master Faye Yip.  Faye is the daughter of Li Deyin and her Great Uncle is li Tianji.  Faye is an important person in the lineage from whom to receive instructor training.

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